Flag of Saint-Martin

Flag of Saint-Martin
Country Saint-Martin
Population 74,852 (2007)
Area (Km²) 88
Сontinent North America
Emoji 🇲🇫
  hex rgb
#002654 0, 38, 84
#FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
#ED2939 237, 41, 57

The northern part of the island of Saint Martin is an overseas community of France known as the Collectivité de Saint-Martin (Community of Saint Martin). It officially uses the flag of France as its official flag, as do other French overseas territories. However, there is also an unofficial flag that is often used locally.

Meaning of the flag of Saint-Martin

The official flag of Saint Martin, i.e. the flag of France, is also called the “tricolor”. The flag consists of three vertical stripes of equal width. The left stripe is blue, the middle stripe is white, and the right stripe is red. The blue stripe symbolizes freedom, the white stripe equality, and the red stripe fraternity. These three principles are the basis of French state ideology and at the same time reflect democratic values and human rights.

You can read more about the flag of France on a separate page here!

Unofficial flag of St. Maarten
The unofficial flag consists of three primary colors: red, blue and white:

  • The red triangle in the center symbolizes the energy, strength and resilience of the local population;
  • White symbolizes peace and harmony;
  • The blue color symbolizes the sea and sky surrounding the island, indicating its location in the Caribbean and its dependence on shipping and tourism;
  • In the center, above the red triangle, is a yellow rising sun, symbolizing new beginnings, prosperity and hope for the future. This symbol is often associated with the tropical climate and warmth that characterize Saint-Martin.

Historical information about Saint-Martin

The history of the European discovery of Saint-Martin begins when Christopher Columbus, during his second voyage to the New World, landed on the island on November 11, 1493. This day is the feast of St. Martin of Tours, in whose honor Columbus named the island. Over the next centuries, the island changed hands several times. The Spanish, French, Dutch, and British took turns controlling Saint-Martin before the island was finally divided between France and the Netherlands in 1648 by the Treaty of Concordia.
The French part of the island, known as Saint-Martin, became part of the French overseas community. Over the centuries, the island developed as an important trade and agricultural center. The main crops were sugar cane, cotton, and tobacco, and the island's economy was largely dependent on slave labor until the abolition of slavery in 1848.
With the development of tourism in the second half of the 20th century, Saint-Martin became a popular vacation destination, known for its beautiful beaches, warm climate, and rich cultural heritage. This has had a significant impact on the island's economy, making it one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Caribbean.