Flag of Suriname

Flag of Suriname
Country Suriname
Population 623,236 (2023)
Area (Km²) 156,000
Сontinent South America
Emoji 🇸🇷
  hex rgb
#007A33 0, 122, 51
#FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
#C8102E 200, 16, 46
#FFCD00 255, 205, 0

The flag of Suriname was adopted on November 25, 1975 and uses four colors: red, green, yellow and white. The flag consists of horizontal stripes and a yellow five-pointed star in the center of the widest red stripe, which is surrounded on both sides by two narrow white stripes, and those, respectively, by two green stripes.

Meaning of the flag of Suriname

  • The green color symbolizes fertile land and the potential for prosperity;
  • The white stripes represent justice, freedom and peace, emphasizing the country's commitment to fair governance;
  • The red stripe symbolizes progress and love, showing the spirit of the nation;
  • The yellow star in the center of the flag reflects unity, hope and a bright future, the desire for optimism and enlightenment. The location of the star in the center of the flag emphasizes that these ideals are central to Suriname's national identity. 

The flag of Suriname is a symbol that embodies the struggle for independence, cultural diversity, and the unity of the nation. It is a source of pride and emotion for the Surinamese people, and its design and colors reflect the identity and fighting spirit of the nation. The flag of Suriname has gained worldwide recognition and is a well-known symbol of the country. It is easily recognized by most people in the world. The flag is popular and in demand all over the world, with thousands of copies sold every year, especially during sporting events and national holidays. Using this symbol, Surinamese people express their attachment to the history and culture of their country, as well as the unity of all ethnic and cultural groups in one nation. The flag of Suriname is a constant reminder of the values on which the nation was founded and a symbol of its unity.

History of the flag of Suriname

During the colonial era, Suriname was influenced by the Netherlands and Great Britain, which shaped the design of its flag. The flag, introduced by the Netherlands in the 17th century, had horizontal stripes of blue, white, and red, symbolizing Dutch dominance. In 1650, the British governor Lord Willoughby founded the colony of Willoughbyland in the region of modern-day Suriname, which came under indirect British rule. The flags of the United Kingdom and the Cross of St. George were used to represent the colony. However, it faced many problems. One of them was the instability of the British monarchy, which led to the instability of the colony. In addition, the British did not have sufficient financial support to settle in the region and take control of it. This denied the colony's ability to become a permanent source of income for the British in South America. Thus, the colony of Willoughbyland failed to stabilize and successfully develop as a settlement under British control.

History of the flag of Suriname

In 1667, after the Second Anglo-Dutch War, a peace treaty was signed that stipulated that Suriname would come under Dutch control. This preserved peace between the two countries for more than 100 years, albeit intermittently. The Suriname Society was established in Amsterdam to govern the colony. For three centuries, Suriname used the Dutch flag as its official flag.

All these years, Suriname imported slaves from different countries, and after the abolition of slavery, it continued to import foreign workers. The Dutch rule is also responsible for the cultural diversity that can be seen in Suriname today, as well as for creating the first flag of a country with a self-sufficient government.

History of the flag of Suriname

In 1959, Suriname, which was a colony of the Netherlands, created its first national flag. This became possible after the country became self-sufficient and left the control of the Netherlands. Suriname became the third country to be part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, along with the Netherlands and the Netherlands Antilles. The new flag of Suriname was white in color and had five stars connected by a circular line. Each star symbolized one of the five main ethnic groups living in Suriname: East Indians, Creoles, Dutch, Africans, and Javanese. The flag of Suriname replaced the Dutch flag and became an important symbol even after the country gained full independence in 1975.

In 1974, the Surinamese National Party began negotiations with the Netherlands for full independence for Suriname. An agreement was reached in 1975, and a new flag was adopted on November 25. For ten years, Suriname received financial support from the Netherlands, but failed to achieve economic power compared to other South American countries. Unlike the first flag of Suriname, which had a separate star for each ethnic group, the new flag was created with one single star, symbolizing the unity of all groups in the country.