Flag of Afghanistan

Flag of Afghanistan
Country Afghanistan
Population 42,239,854 (2023)
Area (Km²) 652,860
Сontinent Asia
Emoji 🇦🇫
  hex rgb
#000000 0, 0, 0
#D32011 211, 32, 17
#FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
#007A36 0, 122, 54

The flag of Afghanistan was adopted in January 2004 and has a 2:3 ratio. The flag of Afghanistan consists of three vertical stripes of equal width of black, red and green colors. In the middle of the flag, on the red stripe, is the Afghanistan's coat of arms.

The national emblem of Afghanistan consists of:

  • a mosque;
  • a mihrab in the middle of the coat of arms;
  • two Afghan flags on either side of the coat of arms;
  • in the upper part of the coat of arms is the inscription - Allahu Akbar and La ilaha ilaha Allah Muhammad Rasulullah;
  • around the mosque are wheat ears and the word "Afghanistan".

What do the colors of the Afghan flag mean?

The colors were proposed at the Loya Jirga or National Jirga of Afghanistan in 1328:

  • black represents the dark period of Afghanistan during colonization by other countries; 
  • red color represents the red blood of martyrs on the way to gaining independence and freedom of the country;
  • green color symbolizes a bright future, progress and development of the country.

The image of the Nishan Melli Mosque on the flag of Afghanistan has made it one of the most unique flags in the world. Among the flags of the world's countries, only the flags of Spain and Cambodia have an image of a building or structure. From 2002 to 2004, the national emblem of Afghanistan was yellow, but since 2004, the emblem has been changed to white.

History of the flag of Afghanistan

The flag of Afghanistan has undergone many changes over time. In the 19th century, a flag with a solid black color was used as the flag of Afghanistan. In the early 20th century, the national emblem was added to the flag. 

History of Afghanistan's flag, how it has changed throughout its existence

The black flag, which was taken from the flag of Abu Muslim during the Khorasani uprising, was used as the background color of the Afghan flag until 1928. Since 1928, at the same time as the Kingdom of Afghanistan began to exist, the tricolor flag of Afghanistan, black, red and green, with the national emblem on it, was approved by King Amanullah Khan. The coat of arms depicts a golden sun rising through snow-capped mountains, marking the beginning of the Afghan kingdom. The symbol of a yellow sun on a red background can now be seen on the current flag of North Macedonia. This tricolor flag of Afghanistan was used for only two years between 1928 and 1929.

Then, also for two years from 1978 to 1980, when the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan came to power, the red flag of Afghanistan with a yellow symbol in the upper left corner of the flag was used. The word "Khalk" was written on the flag, which was the symbol of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan and meant "People". 

In 1996, when the Taliban government came to power in Afghanistan, the country was renamed the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, and the flag of Afghanistan was changed to white, to which was later added the inscription La ilaha ila Allah Muhammad Rasulullah, referring to the main tenet of the Islamic faith: "There is no God but Allah". 

The black, red and green flag of Afghanistan was approved in 2004. This flag is still used internationally, demonstrating recognition as an Islamic Republic, despite the Taliban's rule since 2021 and the use of the Taliban flag in Afghanistan, which had the status of a national flag from 1996 to 2001.