Flag of Israel

Flag of Israel
Country Israel
Population 9,174,520 (2023)
Area (Km²) 21,640
Сontinent Asia
Emoji 🇮🇱
  hex rgb
#005EB8 0, 94, 184
#FFFFFF 255, 255, 255

The Israeli flag is white with blue stripes resembling a tallit and a blue Star of David. A tallit is a special Jewish garment worn by men during prayer and when reading the Torah (the holy book of the Jews).

What is the meaning of the symbolism of the Israeli flag?

  • The flag depicts the Star of David, an ancient symbol associated with the House of David and representing the Jewish vision. It is located between two blue stripes and symbolizes the seven daily hours of work and the Zionist movement. This star was first proposed by Theodor Herzl. The Star of David became very popular and was widely used in Jewish culture. But, in fact, it may have nothing to do with King David, as this shape has been present in Far Eastern cultures for thousands of years. 
  • The color blue, known as tehillim, has great historical and religious significance for the Jewish people. The use of this color dates back to ancient times and is associated with a dye derived from sea snails that live in the Mediterranean Sea. It was especially used in clothing and in religious ceremonies.
  • The stripes on the Israeli flag also have a history. Until 1864, Jews wore clothing known as tallit, with blue stripes. This style of clothing served as a model for the Israeli flag. In addition, blue was associated with the colors of the sky, symbolizing hope for the future and the unity of the people.

In photographs and paintings, the Israeli flag is usually depicted with the mast on the left, as is customary in most countries, but contrary to the direction of the Hebrew script. 

The history of the Israeli flag - a difficult path to the flag of the Jewish state

During the Declaration of Independence in 1948, the flag was raised as it is today. However, after the creation of the state, discussions began about whether the flag of the Zionist movement should be adopted as the national flag.

Among the citizens of the new state of Israel, there was concern about members of the Zionist movement who held dual citizenship. They feared that if the flag of the Zionist movement also became the flag of the new state, they would be automatically identified as supporters of the state, potentially causing political and legal problems. Before his election, Theodor (Binyamin Ze'ev) Herzl proposed a flag with a white background and seven golden stars, symbolizing 7 hours of daily labor. The Committee on the Flag and Symbols of the New State reviewed proposals for a new national flag. Many of them were based on the flag of the Zionist movement:

  • some flags contained the Star of David;
  • it was proposed to change the color of the Star of David to yellow to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust;
  • others had two stripes of different colors, but all flags were blue and white. 

The flag of the Zionist movement was chosen after considering various ideas. One reason for the choice was its popularity among the Jewish community, which even had a say in its design. During the discussions about whether to declare the Zionist flag the flag of the Jewish state, one of the considerations was that the white flag with two blue stripes and the Star of David on it has become synonymous with the Jewish state and its struggle.

An interesting fact about the flag: In 2008, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the independence of the State of Israel, a massive Israeli flag measuring 100 by 200 meters was unfurled at the foot of the mountains in Eilat. This flag is now considered one of the largest in the world.