Flag of Nicaragua

Flag of Nicaragua
Country Nicaragua
Population 7,046,310 (2023)
Area (Km²) 120,340
Сontinent North America
Emoji 🇳🇮
  hex rgb
#0067c6 0, 103, 198
#FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
#C8A400 200, 164, 0
#6FD8F3 111, 216, 243
#EDE71F 237, 231, 31
#97C924 151, 201, 36
#FF0000 255, 0, 0
#981E97 152, 30, 151

The flag of Nicaragua was adopted on September 4, 1908, officially approved on August 27, 1971, and acquired its current appearance in 1975. The flag consists of two stripes of blue at the top and bottom of the flag and a white stripe in the middle, which depicts the coat of arms of Nicaragua.

Meaning of the flag of Nicaragua

  • Blue color symbolizes the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, as well as justice and loyalty;
  • white color symbolizes peace and tranquility both within the country and with neighboring countries.

The coat of arms of Nicaragua
The coat of arms of Nicaragua consists of various elements that have their own meaning:

  • The triangle symbolizes equality and justice;
  • The rainbow symbolizes peace;
  • the Liberty Hat - the name itself speaks for itself, symbolizing freedom;
  • five volcanoes mean unity with other Central American countries;
  • the sun's rays symbolize a bright future.

The flag of Nicaragua, along with the flag of El Salvador and the flag of Dominica, contains the color purple, which is quite unique, as there are more than 200 flags in total, among which 3 are a drop in the ocean.

History of the Nicaraguan flag

After gaining independence from Spain in 1821, Nicaragua became part of the Mexican Empire and later joined the United Provinces of Central America. However, Nicaragua's formal independence took place only in 1838. In 1852, the country adopted its first official flag, which consisted of three horizontal stripes - white, yellow and red. 

History of the Nicaraguan flag

Over the years, Nicaragua has undergone changes in the design of its flag. There were several different variations, including a tricolor stripe of yellow, white, and beige and a similar design with the coat of arms in the center. However, in 1908, the federal flag was adopted as the national flag. The flag of that time was similar to the flag of the Federal Republic of Central America and a common sign for the member countries.

The first use of the modern design of the Nicaraguan flag dates back to 1908, but it was officially recognized as the national flag only in 1971. The flag consists of horizontal stripes of blue at the top and bottom, symbolizing the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. The white stripe in the middle stands for peace. On the white stripe is the coat of arms, which contains a triangle with the words "Republic of Nicaragua" and "Central America", as well as images of five volcanoes symbolizing the five nations that united in the past.