Flag of Spitsbergen and Jan Mayen

Flag of Spitsbergen and Jan Mayen
Country Spitsbergen and Jan Mayen
Population 2,100 (2014)
Area (Km²) 39,044 + 377
Сontinent Europe
Emoji no
  hex rgb
#BA0C2F 186, 12, 47
#FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
#00205B 0, 32, 91

Spitsbergen is one of the most fascinating and unique places on the planet - it is an archipelago of islands. There are 9 main islands: Spitsbergen, Nordaustland, Egeoia, Barentsøya, Prince Karlsfjord, Kvitøya, Kong Karls Land, Bjorn Island and Hopen, as well as a number of smaller outlying islands. The total area of Svalbard is 24,209 square miles.

Some interesting facts about Spitsbergen:

  • In the Old Norse language, there are references to the land of Svalbard, which literally translates as "cold shores";
  • 60% of Svalbard's territory is covered with ice - it is a frozen desert consisting of mountains and glaciers;
  • Due to the short summers and long, cold, dark winters, trees cannot grow there. The plants that do grow there rarely reach more than 10 cm in height and grow slowly;
  • Svalbard is home to just under 2700 people, and the polar bear population is about 3000.
  • Yan Mayen is a small volcanic island in the North Atlantic Ocean. The island is located 600 miles west of Norway and 350 miles north of Iceland. With an elevation of 7470 feet, the Berenberg volcano is the northernmost volcano in the world, having last erupted in 1985. It is an area of Norway where there is no indigenous population. Eighteen people operate the weather station, LORAN-C transmitter, and shore-based radio station. Small planes arrive several times a year to deliver supplies for the station staff.

What does the flag of Svalbard and Jan Mayen look like?

The two territories are so small and remote that they are usually lumped together, although Jan Mayen is closer to Iceland than to Svalbard. In any case, the flags of Svalbard and Jan Mayen are exactly the same as the flag of Norway, because they are both located on the territory of Norway. The flag of Norway is a rectangular red cloth with a blue Scandinavian cross surrounded by a white outline. The color scheme used in this flag is the most common. Most European flags are made in blue, white and red. These colors indicate the country's common past with other Scandinavian countries. The creators of the flag sought to convey the idea that the country is free and its citizens are independent.

You can read more about the flag of Norway on our website at this link!