Flag of Saint Lucia

Flag of Saint Lucia
Country Saint Lucia
Population 180,251 (2023)
Area (Km²) 610
Сontinent North America
Emoji 🇱🇨
  hex rgb
#0077C8 0, 119, 200
#FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
#000000 0, 0, 0
#FFD100 255, 209, 0

The flag of the island of Saint Lucia was adopted on March 1, 1967 and consists of three triangles of white, black and yellow, placed one inside the other in the center of the flag on a blue background, where the yellow triangle is equilateral and the smallest of them.

Meaning of the flag of Saint Lucia

  • The blue color symbolizes the sky and sea surrounding the island, emphasizing its connection to the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean;
  • Yellow symbolizes the sunshine, prosperity and rich natural resources of the island;
  • Black color symbolizes strength and resilience;
  • Yellow and black triangles symbolize the twin peaks of the island: Gros Piton and Petit Piton, which are national monuments of Saint Lucia;
  • The white color represents racial harmony and peaceful coexistence between different communities. 

History of the flag of Saint Lucia

The French took possession of Saint Lucia in 1635, but it changed hands frequently between France and Great Britain. In 1814, France finally ceded the island to Great Britain. During the colonial period, Saint Lucia did not have its own unique flag. In 1939, the British gave the island its own coat of arms. The coat of arms consisted of a black shield with two bamboo sticks forming a cross. The four squares of the shield were filled with two roses symbolizing England and two fleur-de-lis symbolizing France. This emblem was used on the island's flag. 

History of the flag of Saint Lucia

From 1958 to 1962, Saint Lucia was a member of the West Indies Federation, but this union was unsuccessful, and the island became an associated state. This gave the territory full control over internal affairs, but left foreign policy and defense under the responsibility of Britain. On the same day that Saint Lucia became an associate state, a new flag designed by a local artist was adopted. When the island eventually became an independent state on February 22, 1979, the design of the flag remained unchanged, but some changes were made to the shade of blue and the size of the triangles. The last modification of the flag took place on February 22, 2002, when the shade of blue was changed again, so the modern flag of Saint Lucia has a light blue base. However, the design of the flag was developed on March 1, 1967, and its base with minor changes has survived to this day.